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The 30 Most Important Truths I’ve Learned/Experienced (2): Leadership

By April 14, 2011No Comments

13. Spiritual leadership flows out of knowing and following Jesus.  This means that I must care for my own soul first before I can care for others.

14. As a pastor, I am called to equip and empower others for ministry.

15. Discipleship is not just teaching content but the sharing and impartation of life. It also means modeling and teaching people how to think, not merely telling them what to think.

16. Success is more than results: it is faithfulness, stewardship, servanthood and character formation.

17. The best motivation is grace, not guilt. Guilt alone has no value in creating life change.  Rather than making people feel guilty about what they haven’t done, cast a vision of Christ and the joy of participating in his mission.

18. As a leader, my job is to shape the culture of the group I’m leading, not just to teach them important things.

19. The church is supposed to be a taste of God’s kingdom, a movement of healing and hope where the world can see what it looks like to live under the reign of God.  This means that public justice is not optional, but rather the natural result of caring about what God cares about.

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