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When I sat down to write out my goals for 2020, I knew that one had to include some sort of return to and relaunch of this site. Over a decade ago, I started this site to create a space where I could share my work: reflections, sermons, spoken word poetry. I wrote about fitness and philosophy, ministry and my favorite books.

At the time, I had no larger aspiration than to be a resource to a small, but dear group of friends and church family: former students, members of our ministry, perhaps others who had heard me speak at a camp or retreat. I had no plans to seek a doctorate, become a professor, or to write a book. If you would have asked me then, I probably would have said that there were too many people writing books – the same books, it seemed, over and over again. The idea of building a platform, and seeking a larger audience seemed wrong to me, a mark of selfish ambition.

And yet, here I am. I still struggle with the tension between my desire to be anonymous and my desire to be noticed. But I can also see the insecurity and fear that lurks beneath by reticence to step into the fray: the insecurity of wondering if I have anything meaningful to say, and the fear of opening myself up to the collective wrath for which the Internet is so well known.

I have been compelled to come out of my cave. The primary reason, of course, is that I have a book coming out later this year.

Coming in October 2020!

In preparation for its launch, I’ve been working on a plan to re-launch this site, along with a public Facebook page and a twitter account. This is all very new to me. I’m not quite sure what to expect, to be honest. But I would like to do my best to make the book and myself accessible to a wider audience.

And yet, my aspirations haven’t changed. I still want to create a space where I can collect my work and offer it to those for whom I’ve been a resource in the past. I am interested in nurturing old relationships and starting new ones, in learning from others, and continuing to discover my own voice.

Thus, the plan is to resume a regular posting schedule between this site and my social media platforms. My goal each week is 1) to post a piece of fresh content (an blog post, article, sermon, or lecture), 2) to highlight or refresh something I’ve written in the past, and 3) to highlight other noteworthy pieces of content from others, all of which will loosely fit a common theme.

The first theme is appropriate, given the uncertainty of the moment: hope. What does it mean to refuse the vain and idle wishfulness of Christian cliche, and yet to be defined by hope? That’s the theme I’ll be chasing for the next few weeks.

Question: Are there any particular topics surrounding faith, culture, theology, or ministry that you would be interested in reading about here?

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Image by Irina L from Pixabay


  • Kari Capaldo says:

    This is wonderful Justin! Ever since meeting you it is evident God has shown His voice and character through you. May you continue to listen to Him and be a vessel of blessing for others. I look forward to reading your book and following your journey

    • mm Justin Bailey says:

      Thanks Kari! Melissa and I think of you and Jim often (and often say “thish shoup is delicious!” to each other). I am deeply thankful for the time we all had together!

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