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Short Articles

Why Having Kids is Foolish

Photo by Austin Pacheco on Unsplash I just read an article entitled "Why Having Kids is Foolish". The first paragraph: All parents know that having kids is a blessing — except when it's a nightmare of screaming fits, diapers, runny noses, wars over bedtimes and…
March 8, 2011

The Paleo Experiment (3): Food or Fuel?

One of the mantras of the Paleo diet is “Food is Fuel!”  In other words, you don’t choose food primarily because it tastes good, but because it makes your body run well.  In today’s post I’d like to examine this mindset. Dr. Loren Cordain, leading…
March 7, 2011

What’s In a Name?

So I thought I would write a quick post explaining the reason why I have called this blog, "Meditations in a Toolshed." First, the picture in the header is of the shed in my backyard.  Since we moved in, I've hated the shed and wanted…
February 2, 2011

Yes, I’m Blogging Again

I think I have started and stopped blogging as many times as Brett Favre has retired and un-retired. First there was Xanga (2002-2005) Then Blogspot (2004-2006): Then I did a lengthy, dated, albeit still relevant study on blogging (ca. 2004) that can be read here.…
February 1, 2011