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Mudder Training: Day 19

I was in Kansas for a couple of days, so my training fell off this week.  I decided to make up for it with a 5 mile run followed by a CrossFit WOD.  It was a perfect day for a run, about 75 degrees and…
May 20, 2011

Mudder Training: Day Fifteen

Today was supposed to be my short run, so I followed my plan of doing cross-training in between my runs.  So I ran a mile, did a CrossFit WOD and then ran another mile.  The first mile was around 7:00, the second mile was around…
May 16, 2011

Mudder Training: Day Twelve

Just a quick post.  I woke up and ran 4 miles in my Vibrams (barefoot shoes). Man, my calves are sore.  Without cushioning, running has become an incredible calf workout (as my calf muscles adjust for the added distance cushioning on the way down -…
May 13, 2011

Mudder Training: Day Ten

The Tough Mudder is a 10-mile course broken up with 20 military grade obstacles.  This means that simply being able to run for 90 minutes won't be enough.  More realistically, I am expecting shorter intervals of at most a mile at a time in between…
May 11, 2011

Success (1): What Is It?

Lately I've been thinking a lot about the topic of "success".  I suppose this is due to multiple factors: 1) I've been reading and teaching from the book of Ecclesiastes in the Hebrew Scriptures.  The author, who describes himself as one of the most materially…
May 11, 2011

Mudder Training: Day Nine

I went back to my CrossFit box for today's WOD.  I love the camaraderie and competition there, and would work out there more often if it was a little less expensive.  As it is, I target workouts with skills I need to work on.  Today,…
May 10, 2011

Mudder Training: Day Five

I decided to run in my Vibrams today.  For those unfamiliar, the Vibram Five Fingers are like foot gloves.  My wife calls them "gorilla shoes", and I agree that they look ridiculous.  Looks aside, the shoes provide protection from the ground but no cushioning or…
May 6, 2011

Mudder Training: Day Three

Day Two was a rest day. Day Three: Ran 4 miles, again in my Sauconys.  It felt like much longer than that.  I wish I had some trails or consistent stretches of grass to run on, running on concrete is not so fun.  It felt…
May 4, 2011

Training Future Men

As a youth pastor, on of my great privileges is to play a mentoring role for several young men.  I've been thinking about this lately since we have recently concluded a guy's group at our church. I remember hearing a Matt Chandler quote that has…
May 4, 2011